Why We Love NFTs (And Why You Should, Too!)

January 31, 2022

So, what is an NFT

An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a digital asset that represents ownership of something unique, like a piece of art or a collectible. It's like owning a rare baseball card or a one-of-a-kind painting, but instead of a physical item, it's a digital file that lives on a blockchain.

Think of it like a ticket to a concert. When you buy a ticket to a concert, you own the right to attend that specific concert at that specific time. Similarly, when you buy an NFT, you own the right to that specific digital asset. Just like how each concert ticket has a unique serial number that identifies it as different from all the other tickets, each NFT has a unique digital signature that identifies it as different from all the other NFTs.

One key thing to understand about NFTs is that they are non-fungible, which means they are not interchangeable with other tokens or assets. For example, if you have a $20 bill and you exchange it with someone for two $10 bills, you still have the same amount of money. But if you have an NFT that represents ownership of a particular artwork, you can't exchange it for ownership of a different artwork. Each NFT represents ownership of a specific, unique asset.

What is a "Token"

In the context of blockchain technology, a token is a digital asset that is created and managed on a blockchain. It represents some form of value, like a currency or a share in a company, and can be transferred between individuals or entities in a decentralized and trustless manner.

Tokens are created using a smart contract, which is a self-executing contract that runs on the blockchain. The smart contract defines the rules and conditions of the token, such as how many tokens will be created, who can create or own the tokens, and how the tokens can be used or traded.

There are two main types of tokens on blockchain networks: utility tokens and security tokens. Utility tokens are used to access or purchase a specific product or service, such as a subscription to a platform or access to a specific feature. Security tokens, on the other hand, represent ownership in a particular asset, like a share in a company or a portion of revenue generated by a specific project.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a specific type of token that represent unique and non-interchangeable assets, like digital art or collectibles. Each NFT has a unique identifier, which makes it distinguishable from all other NFTs.

Thus in short, a token is a digital asset that is created and managed on a blockchain, and represents some form of value or ownership. It can be used to facilitate transactions or provide access to products or services, depending on the type of token.

In Technical Terms

An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a type of token that is unique and non-interchangeable. It is created and stored on a blockchain, which is a decentralized and distributed ledger that is maintained by a network of nodes.

Technically speaking, an NFT is created using a smart contract, which is a self-executing contract that runs on the blockchain. The smart contract defines the rules and conditions of the NFT, such as its name, symbol, and metadata, as well as the address of the owner.

Each NFT has a unique identifier, which is stored on the blockchain as a digital signature or hash. This digital signature is generated using a cryptographic algorithm, which ensures that each NFT is unique and cannot be duplicated or counterfeited.

The metadata of an NFT can include a variety of information, such as the name and description of the asset, the name of the creator, the date of creation, and the file type and size. This metadata is stored off-chain, usually in IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), and is referenced by the digital signature on the blockchain.

When an NFT is sold or transferred, the ownership of the NFT is updated on the blockchain by updating the address of the new owner in the smart contract. This transaction is recorded on the blockchain, which ensures that the ownership of the NFT is transparent and immutable.

In summary, an NFT is a unique and non-interchangeable token that is created and stored on a blockchain. It is created using a smart contract, which defines the rules and conditions of the NFT, and has a unique identifier generated using a cryptographic algorithm. The metadata of an NFT is stored off-chain, and ownership is updated on the blockchain when the NFT is sold or transferred

Creating an NFT

Anyone can create an NFT, as long as they have access to a blockchain platform that supports the creation of NFTs. Here are the general steps to create an NFT:

Step 1: Choose a Blockchain PlatformThe first step in creating an NFT is to choose a blockchain platform that supports NFT creation. Ethereum is currently the most popular blockchain platform for NFT creation, but other platforms such as Binance Smart Chain and Polygon also support NFT creation.

Step 2: Choose a WalletTo create an NFT, you will need to have a wallet that supports the blockchain platform you have chosen. The wallet is used to store the cryptocurrency that will be used to pay for the creation of the NFT, as well as to interact with the blockchain platform.

Step 3: Create Your Artwork or Digital AssetThe next step is to create the artwork or digital asset that you want to represent with your NFT. This can be anything from a digital painting to a video or 3D model.

Step 4: Choose a Marketplace or NFT Creation PlatformThere are several marketplaces and NFT creation platforms available that can help you create and sell your NFT. These platforms vary in terms of their fees, features, and ease of use. Some popular options include OpenSea, Rarible, and SuperRare.

Step 5: Mint Your NFTTo create your NFT, you will need to mint it on the blockchain platform you have chosen. This involves creating a smart contract that defines the rules and conditions of your NFT, such as its name, symbol, and metadata.

Step 6: Set a Price and List Your NFTOnce you have minted your NFT, you can set a price for it and list it on a marketplace or NFT creation platform. You can also choose to sell your NFT privately or auction it off.

Step 7: Transfer OwnershipWhen someone purchases your NFT, ownership is transferred to them on the blockchain platform. This is recorded as a transaction on the blockchain and is transparent and immutable.

There are many things that can be represented by an NFT or that an NFT can be attached to. Here are some examples:

  1. Digital Art: One of the most popular uses of NFTs is to represent digital art, such as images, videos, animations, and 3D models. The NFT can be used to prove ownership and authenticity of the artwork, as well as to track its ownership and sales history.
  2. Music: NFTs can also be used to represent music, such as albums, songs, and sound recordings. The NFT can be used to grant access to the music, as well as to track its ownership and sales history.
  3. Video Games: NFTs can be used to represent in-game items, such as weapons, armor, and skins. The NFT can be used to prove ownership and authenticity of the items, as well as to track their ownership and sales history.
  4. Virtual Real Estate: NFTs can be used to represent virtual real estate, such as plots of land in virtual worlds like Decentraland or Somnium Space. The NFT can be used to prove ownership and authenticity of the land, as well as to track its ownership and sales history.
  5. Collectibles: NFTs can be used to represent physical or digital collectibles, such as sports cards, trading cards, or rare items from popular culture. The NFT can be used to prove ownership and authenticity of the collectible, as well as to track its ownership and sales history.
  6. Domain Names: NFTs can be used to represent domain names on decentralized naming systems like Ethereum Name Service (ENS) or Unstoppable Domains. The NFT can be used to prove ownership and authenticity of the domain name, as well as to track its ownership and sales history.

In summary, to create an NFT, you need to choose a blockchain platform, choose a wallet, create your artwork or digital asset, choose a marketplace or NFT creation platform, mint your NFT, set a price and list your NFT, and transfer ownership when it is sold.

And don't limit yourself as to what can be represented by an NFT or that an NFT can be attached to. NFTs have a wide range of potential uses and applications, and we are likely to see many more innovative uses emerge in the coming years.

The good

While NFTs are a relatively new technology, they have already been adopted by several industries. Here are some of the industries that have embraced NFTs the most:

  1. Art and Collectibles: One of the first industries to adopt NFTs was the art world. NFTs have opened up new opportunities for artists to monetize their digital creations and for collectors to acquire and trade digital art and other collectibles.
  2. Music: NFTs are also being used in the music industry to create unique and collectible digital music assets. Musicians can sell NFTs that represent ownership in their songs or albums, or they can create NFTs that represent unique audiovisual experiences.
  3. Gaming and Virtual Worlds: NFTs have significant potential in the gaming and virtual world industries. Developers can use NFTs to create unique and rare in-game items, weapons, and characters that can be bought and sold in marketplaces.
  4. Sports: NFTs are also being used in the sports world to create collectible digital assets like trading cards, game highlights, and other sports memorabilia.
  5. Fashion: NFTs are being used by fashion brands to create limited edition digital clothing and accessories that can be owned and traded by collectors.
  6. Real Estate: NFTs are being explored as a way to represent ownership in real estate and other physical assets. By creating NFTs that represent ownership in a property, owners can sell fractions of ownership, which can help to democratize real estate investment.
  7. Charity and Social Impact: NFTs are also being used in the charity and social impact space to create unique digital assets that can be auctioned off to support social causes and philanthropic initiatives

Now, there are several reasons why people love NFTs so much and why major companies like NIke and Tiffany are using them for many of their products. Here are a few of those reasons:

  1. Ownership and provenance: One of the most significant benefits of NFTs is that they allow for secure ownership and provenance of digital assets. Because NFTs are stored on a blockchain, they cannot be duplicated or counterfeited, and their ownership can be easily tracked and verified. This makes NFTs particularly appealing to collectors and artists who want to ensure that their work is properly attributed and compensated.
  2. Scarcity and uniqueness: NFTs are often associated with unique and one-of-a-kind assets, such as digital art, music, and video games. This sense of scarcity and exclusivity can be a significant factor in driving demand for NFTs, as collectors and fans seek to acquire something that is rare and special.
  3. Investment potential: While not all NFTs are valuable, some have sold for significant sums of money, which has led to a perception that NFTs can be a good investment. This has attracted investors who are looking to profit from the potential appreciation of NFTs.
  4. Creative expression: NFTs offer artists and creators a new way to express themselves and monetize their work. Because NFTs can represent a wide range of digital assets, creators are not limited to traditional forms of art and can experiment with new formats and media.
  5. Decentralization and democratization: NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which is decentralized and open. This means that NFTs can be created and traded without the need for intermediaries like galleries, auction houses, or record labels. This can help to democratize the art and creative industries by allowing artists and creators to bypass traditional gatekeepers and reach a wider audience.
  6. Interoperability and portability: NFTs can be created on different blockchain platforms, and they can be easily transferred between platforms. This interoperability and portability make NFTs more flexible and versatile than traditional assets, which can be tied to specific platforms or formats.
  7. Transparency and immutability: NFTs are stored on a public blockchain, which makes them transparent and immutable. This means that anyone can view the ownership and transaction history of an NFT, which can help to prevent fraud and ensure that transactions are fair and transparent.
  8. Gaming and virtual worlds: NFTs have significant potential in the gaming and virtual world industries. By creating unique and scarce in-game items and assets, developers can create new revenue streams and give players more ownership and control over their gaming experiences.
  9. Community and social interaction: NFTs have spawned a vibrant community of collectors, artists, and enthusiasts who are passionate about the technology and its potential. This community has created new social interactions and opportunities for collaboration and networking, which can be a significant draw for many people.
  10. Innovation and experimentation: NFTs are a new and innovative technology that is still in its early stages. This means that there is a lot of room for experimentation and innovation, which can lead to exciting new use cases and applications. As the technology evolves and matures, we are likely to see new and unexpected ways that NFTs can be used and applied.

The Bad

One thing to note is that while NFTs have generated a lot of excitement and interest, there are also some potential risks and concerns associated with them. Some of the issues include:

  1. Environmental Impact: NFTs are created and traded on blockchain networks, which require significant amounts of energy to operate. This has led to concerns about the environmental impact of NFTs and their contribution to carbon emissions.
  2. Market Volatility: NFTs can be subject to significant price volatility, which can make it difficult for buyers and sellers to determine fair market value. This volatility can also make NFTs a risky investment for some buyers.
  3. Legal and Regulatory Issues: The legal and regulatory framework surrounding NFTs is still evolving, which can create uncertainty and risk for buyers and sellers. Some NFTs may be subject to securities laws or other regulations, which can impact their marketability and legal status.
  4. Counterfeiting and Fraud: Like any valuable asset, NFTs can be subject to counterfeiting and fraud. It is important for buyers to do their due diligence and ensure that they are purchasing a legitimate NFT.

It is also worth noting that NFTs are still a relatively new and developing technology, and there is still much to learn about their potential and limitations. As with any emerging technology, it is important to approach NFTs with caution and to do your own research before investing

All that said, here are also several misnomers and misconceptions about NFTs that tend to make people quite a bit leery about investing into this new technology. Here are a few of those:

  1. NFTs are always valuable: While some NFTs can sell for millions of dollars, not all NFTs are valuable. The value of an NFT depends on various factors, including the demand for the asset it represents, the uniqueness of the asset, and the reputation of the artist or creator.
  2. NFTs are only for digital art: While NFTs are often associated with digital art, they can represent any unique asset, including music, video games, and even physical items. The flexibility and versatility of NFTs make them suitable for a wide range of use cases.
  3. NFTs are environmentally unfriendly: There has been some criticism of NFTs for their supposed negative impact on the environment due to the energy consumption of blockchain networks. While it is true that some blockchain networks can consume a lot of energy, many platforms are actively working on improving their energy efficiency and implementing more sustainable solutions.
  4. NFTs are a bubble: Some people believe that the current hype surrounding NFTs is just a bubble that will eventually burst. While it is true that the NFT market has experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, there are indications that it is here to stay. As more use cases for NFTs are discovered and new platforms are developed, the market for NFTs is likely to continue to grow and evolve.
  5. NFTs are all the same: While the concept of an NFT is relatively simple, there is a lot of variation in how they are implemented and used. Different blockchain platforms have different features and capabilities, and NFTs can be customized in various ways, such as by adding extra metadata or creating smart contracts that define additional rules and conditions.

In conclusion

NFTs grew in popularity for several reasons. First, they offer a new way for artists and creators to monetize their digital content and for collectors to own and trade unique digital assets. Additionally, NFTs have created new opportunities for investors to participate in the emerging digital economy. The transparency and immutability of blockchain technology have also made NFTs attractive to some buyers and sellers. Finally, the hype and excitement surrounding NFTs have created a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) among some investors, which has further fueled their popularity.

It's difficult to predict the future with certainty, but NFTs have certainly made a significant impact on the art, gaming, music, and other creative industries. As the technology and infrastructure surrounding NFTs continue to evolve and improve, it is likely that NFTs will continue to be a part of the digital economy for the foreseeable future.

That being said, it is important to note that the popularity of NFTs is still largely driven by hype and speculation, and the market may eventually experience a cooling-off period as the technology matures and more buyers and sellers enter the market. Additionally, the regulatory and legal framework surrounding NFTs is still evolving, and there may be changes or restrictions that impact their future viability.

Overall, while NFTs may experience ups and downs in the coming years, they have already demonstrated significant potential as a new way to create, own, and trade digital assets, and it is likely that they will continue to be a part of the digital economy in some form.

One positive aspect of NFTs is that they offer a new way for artists and creators to monetize their digital content. In the past, it was difficult for digital artists to sell their work as unique and valuable pieces because of the ease of copying and sharing digital files. NFTs solve this problem by creating a unique, verified, and immutable record of ownership and authenticity, allowing digital creators to sell their work as one-of-a-kind assets. This has opened up new opportunities for artists and creators to earn a living and gain recognition for their work in the digital space.